2024 Public Holidays in Denmark

Public Holidays in Denmark 2024

Denmark, known for its rich history, culture, and tradition, observes several public holidays throughout the year. These holidays are a time for celebration, reflection, and spending time with family and friends. In this guide, we’ll explore the public holidays in Denmark for the year 2024, providing detailed descriptions of each holiday along with information on the groups entitled to days off.

National Holidays

New Year’s Day (Nytårsdag) – January 1, 2024

New Year’s Day in Denmark marks the beginning of the Gregorian calendar year. It is a time for celebration with parties, fireworks, and gatherings of family and friends. Many people make resolutions for the new year and spend time reflecting on the year gone by.

Days off: New Year’s Day is a public holiday in Denmark, observed nationwide, providing a day off for government offices, businesses, and schools.

Maundy Thursday (Skærtorsdag) – April 11, 2024

Maundy Thursday, also known as Holy Thursday, commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples. In Denmark, it is a time for religious observance, including church services and reflection on the events leading up to Easter.

Days off: Maundy Thursday is not a public holiday in Denmark, but it is observed by the Christian community.

Good Friday (Langfredag) – April 12, 2024

Good Friday is observed by Christians as the day of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and death. In Denmark, it is a solemn day marked by religious services, processions, and reflection on the significance of Christ’s sacrifice.

Days off: Good Friday is a public holiday in Denmark, observed nationwide, providing a day off for government offices, businesses, and schools.

Easter Sunday (Påskedag) – April 14, 2024

Easter Sunday celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, as described in the Christian faith. In Denmark, it is a time for religious services, family gatherings, and the exchange of Easter eggs and treats.

Days off: Easter Sunday is not a public holiday in Denmark.

Easter Monday (2. Påskedag) – April 15, 2024

Easter Monday is the day after Easter Sunday and is observed as a public holiday in Denmark. It is a time for relaxation, family outings, and continued Easter celebrations.

Days off: Easter Monday is a public holiday in Denmark, observed nationwide, providing a day off for government offices, businesses, and schools.

Great Prayer Day (Store Bededag) – May 3, 2024

Great Prayer Day is a Danish religious holiday that combines aspects of Christian and pagan traditions. It is a day of prayer and reflection, with special church services held throughout the country.

Days off: Great Prayer Day is a public holiday in Denmark, observed nationwide, providing a day off for government offices, businesses, and schools.

Ascension Day (Kristi Himmelfartsdag) – May 9, 2024

Ascension Day commemorates the Christian belief in the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven. In Denmark, it is a time for religious services, outdoor activities, and spending time with family and friends.

Days off: Ascension Day is a public holiday in Denmark, observed nationwide, providing a day off for government offices, businesses, and schools.

Whit Sunday (Pinsedag) – May 19, 2024

Whit Sunday, also known as Pentecost Sunday, celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ. It is a significant feast day in the Christian calendar and is observed with religious services and gatherings.

Days off: Whit Sunday is not a public holiday in Denmark.

Whit Monday (2. Pinsedag) – May 20, 2024

Whit Monday is the day after Whit Sunday and is observed as a public holiday in Denmark. It is a time for relaxation, family outings, and continued celebrations of Pentecost.

Days off: Whit Monday is a public holiday in Denmark, observed nationwide, providing a day off for government offices, businesses, and schools.

Constitution Day (Grundlovsdag) – June 5, 2024

Constitution Day in Denmark commemorates the signing of the Danish Constitution on June 5, 1849. It is a time for reflection on democratic values, civic engagement, and the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution.

Days off: Constitution Day is not a public holiday in Denmark.

Christmas Eve (Juleaften) – December 24, 2024

Christmas Eve is the day before Christmas Day and is celebrated as a traditional Danish holiday. Families gather for a festive dinner, exchange gifts, and attend church services or participate in other Christmas traditions.

Days off: Christmas Eve is not a public holiday in Denmark.

Christmas Day (1. Juledag) – December 25, 2024

Christmas Day in Denmark celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ and is observed with religious services, family gatherings, and the exchange of gifts. Festive decorations adorn homes, churches, and public spaces, creating a joyful atmosphere.

Days off: Christmas Day is a public holiday in Denmark, observed nationwide, providing a day off for government offices, businesses, and schools.

Second Day of Christmas (2. Juledag) – December 26, 2024

The Second Day of Christmas is the day after Christmas Day and is observed as a public holiday in Denmark. It is a time for relaxation, family gatherings, and continued celebrations of the Christmas season.

Days off: Second Day of Christmas is a public holiday in Denmark, observed nationwide, providing a day off for government offices, businesses, and schools.

Table: Summary of Public Holidays in Denmark 2024

Holiday Date Description Days Off for Groups
New Year’s Day Jan 1 Beginning of the Gregorian calendar year Nationwide
Maundy Thursday Apr 11 Commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ Christian community
Good Friday Apr 12 Commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ Nationwide
Easter Monday Apr 15 Celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ Nationwide
Great Prayer Day May 3 Danish religious holiday of prayer and reflection Nationwide
Ascension Day May 9 Commemorates the ascension of Jesus Christ Nationwide
Whit Monday May 20 Celebration of the descent of the Holy Spirit Nationwide
Constitution Day Jun 5 Commemorates the signing of the Danish Constitution Not a public holiday
Christmas Day Dec 25 Celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ Nationwide
Second Day of Christmas Dec 26 Continued celebrations of the Christmas season Nationwide


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